Coffrets de chocolat

Chocolate boxes

Driven by the deep desire to bring the taste of goodness to life, to promote authentic recipes, and because we are also very greedy, we make our large range of chocolate candies in our workshop and imagine all our chocolate boxes to make them even more desirable.



We master everything: from the selection of cooperatives and raw materials, to the assembly of origins and the adjustment of flavors, to obtain the desired chocolate coatings, to develop delicious pralines, delicate ganaches and gourmet specialties. For the family, making everything yourself, free from any intermediary, is a true guarantee of quality and the field of possibilities is thus limitless. The House, which has been mixing tradition and innovation for centuries, thus perpetuates traditional recipes while not being able to bring itself to make a recipe disappear on the pretext that a new chocolate sees the light of day, nor even to curb its ardor in terms of creation of chocolate boxes !

This opulence of products, this profusion of boxes, is a form of generosity. Everyone should be able to find what they like among the breadth of our large assortment of chocolates.